What to do if I don't have money for a dental implant?

Published by Carolina on


For those who cannot allow themselves to dental implants, there is a government program that provides free treatment.

oral health

It is very important to maintain a good oral health. After all, it is through the mouth that we feed and where we eat the digestive process.

The dental implant, for example, provides, in addition to quality health, psychological well-being, since it increases the self-esteem of the person.


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However, dental treatments are expensive for the majority of the population, which means that many people renounce this type of care.

But it is possible to obtain one dental implant treatment and other mouth conditions, free of charge by the government.

Dental Implant Social Program

The most popular option is to look for programs directed by dental students in his last years of university.


Many universities offer free or reduced price dental treatments so that students can gain practical experience and be prepared for the job market.

In addition, there are communication channels provided by students through which they can request patients for dental work at low cost or at no cost.

Not all of them universities they specifically offer dental implant treatments, however, there are other free oral dental treatments from which it is worth benefiting by receiving discounts or being attended to for free.

Other ways to get free dental treatment


You can also find for-profit organizations and programs that offer dental implants and other treatments of this type.

To participate in this type of social project, you must enroll in the program and fulfill the requirements, a menudo demonstrating some economic need, to be able to participate in this opportunity and improve yourself oral health.

Before participating, find out about everything related to the program and its organization, as well as whether you have to pay a fee or whatever the program offers adjusts to your needs.

Hable with people who have participated in these programs, ask about the professionalism, the rates and check the results.

Also check the suitability of the place, so as not to fall into burnout and have economic and other types of losses.


Another option is to search governmental bodies, which promotes social programs for people in need, where you can access a wide range of treatments without paying anything. Inform yourself at your nearest government institution.

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