What is the National Positive Drivers' Registry?

Published by Carolina on


the program of National Positive Registry of Drivers (RNPC), an initiative of the Federal Data Processing Service (Serpro), was developed through the Ministry of Infrastructure to promote good conduct in traffic.

The RNPC, also known as the Positive Drivers Registry, aims to reward good traffic drivers, thus promoting good conduct and care by drivers.

To receive benefits through Positive Registration of Drivers, the driver must have spent at least the last 12 months without any traffic violation.


We'll talk more about the RNPC. Check out.

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National Positive Registry of Drivers

The RNPC program, created by Senatran (Secretaria Nacional de Trânsito), aims to offer benefits to drivers who are exemplary, as long as they have not had any traffic violations in the last 12 months.

The benefits offered by the RNPC are discounts and exemptions from certain fees, for example, various conditions for renting vehicles and contracting insurance, as well as discounts on parking and toll fees, and many others.


Companies and institutions that are interested in offering discounts and some perks for good drivers, you can sign up for Senatran.

The benefit for good traffic drivers comes with one more feature of the Digital Traffic Card (CDT), which is also included with the Digital Sale, with the National Registry of Vehicles in Stock (Renave0 and with Renave 0 km.

How to be part of the RNPC?

Drivers interested in participating in the National Positive Drivers Registry can register through the Carteira Digital de Trânsito (CDT) app, which can be downloaded at android It is iOS, and through the Senatran.


After completing the registration of the driver at the RNPC, his conduct will be consulted and evaluated in order to verify his approval to receive the benefit.

Registration in the program started at the end of September, and it started to be activated on October 13th, a Thursday. All registered drivers with good conduct will already be able to receive the benefits.

For institutions and companies that are interested in participating in the good driver program, bringing more benefits to drivers, you can fill out the online form offered by Senatran, and participate in the RNPC.

To further encourage companies and institutions to participate in the RNPC, the National Traffic Department created the reward system, presenting the seal Good Driver's Partner, which can be used in promotional actions, applications, social networks and online portals.

Cancellation of participation in the program

It is noteworthy that, even if registered in the program, the driver can be excluded from the RNPC, if you answer the following questions:

  • Committing a traffic violation;
  • If you have the right to drive suspended;
  • If you have your National Driver's License (CNH) revoked or expired for more than 30 days;
  • If you are serving a custodial sentence.
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