Who can receive the Brazil Aid?

Published by Carolina on

Getting to know the Brazil Aid program?


The new social program, coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship, is a direct and indirect income transfer program.

The Auxílio Brasil program unites and coordinates several public policies: education, social assistance, health, employment and income.

Find out how to receive the Brazil Aid:

The Brazil Aid aims to help families who are in a situation of poverty and extreme poverty, which is a major social issue in Brazil.


With the aid, families receive a basic income and they are stimulated so that they can have their emancipation and manage to get out of the situation of social vulnerability in which they find themselves.

See too:

O Ministry of Citizenship, the body responsible for managing benefits and sending funds to pay for the program.

Who can receive the Brazil Aid?

To participate in the Auxílio Brasil program, families need to meet certain requirements, such as:

  • Being in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty;
  • Have, in its composition, at least one of the following: children, pregnant women, nursing mothers (breastfeeding mothers), adolescents and young people between 0 and 21 years of age.

Families with emancipation rules can participate in the Auxílio Brasil program.

Families in poverty: per capita monthly family income of R$ 105.01 (one hundred and five reais and one cent) and R$ 210.00 (two hundred and ten reais).

Families in extreme poverty: per capita monthly income of up to R$ 105.00 (one hundred and five reais).

What are the program objectives?


The program's objectives include:

  • Propose citizenship with guaranteed income and support, through the benefits offered by the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), articulation of policies aimed at beneficiaries;
  • Promoting, as a priority, the development of children and adolescents, based on financial support for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents from families in poverty or extreme poverty;
  • Promote the development of children in early childhood, focusing on health and stimulating physical, cognitive, linguistic and socio-affective skills, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 13,257, of March 8, 2016;
  • Stimulate children, adolescents and young people to have excellent scientific and technological performance;
  • Expand the offer of care for children in day care centers;
  • Stimulate the emancipation of families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.

The main objective of the Auxílio Brasil program is to help the many brazilian families who are in a situation of social vulnerability, with the support they need to develop dignified way and with real possibilities for growth, which is a right of every human being.

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