Research shows chloroquine can cause serious heart problems

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Contrary to what is thought and what is spread on the internet, chloroquine is not the solution for Covid-19, yes, that is what a group of scholars came to the conclusion, after the announcement that this would be a final stop for pandemic.

In Brazil, 11 people die from using chloroquine as a possible solution, after this fatal event, health authorities soon interrupted the use or indication of the drug. But what do they discover? It has been found that a high dose of the drug in patients can lead to severe cases of arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat.

Research on the use of chloroquine has not been peer-reviewed or published in industry journals, it has only been posted on a virtual health information server called medRxiv.


What does the research subject say? He cites 81 patients who were hospitalized with coronavirus symptoms in the state of Manaus. But that was even before receiving confirmation from the laboratory that they had the disease, the patients were included in the study.

Researchers prove chloroquine is not the cure

The director of science and technology at the Brazilian Society of Cardiology and professor at InCor, Ludhmila Abrahão Hajja, made an interesting warning about the use of the drug, in an interview with the Brazilian press she said:

“Chloroquine is not a vaccine. It is being seen as a savior, and it is not. But if you say that, you start to take it because it has become a national issue of pressure. But the scientific truth is this, there is no distinction of effectiveness”.

The director, who was part of the commission of experts that met with the president of Brazil, Bolsonaro, two weeks ago to discuss the use of chloroquine, said that she warned the president about the lack of evidence on the use of the drug.


But, medication advocates keep spreading the lie, however, we need to include more concrete information, because we are in a serious condition.

Ludhmila also informed that the “adverse effects should not be negligible”. She explained that arrhythmia is more difficult to happen when the person has a healthy heart, but that we must remember that “up to 40% of patients infected with Covid-19 have some type of damage to the cardiovascular system”.

Therefore, the doctors involved in the research, said that the data gathered by this completed study provided evidence that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, both used in the treatment of malaria, can cause significant data in some patients, specifically in cases where there is some mentioned problem to heart, so, dear readers, stick to official information and expert recommendations.

Categories: Health


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