Understand a little more about Motorbike Auction and place your bid!

Published by m2noticias on


Motorbike auctions have been in high demand lately. Buying a motorcycle is the desire of many people, and the motorcycle auction is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to own a motorcycle much more economically.

However, many doubts arise when deciding whether or not to buy a motorcycle at auction. So let's talk about some of these doubts. You are about to understand everything about motorcycle auctions! Good reading!

What is an auction

The auction is a very simple, fast and secure way to buy and sell motorcycles or other vehicles and goods. The Auctioneer is the one who mediates between the seller and the person interested in buying the auction product. These auctions are held online, in person or both (in person and online).


Interested buyers participate in the auction by offering bids for that particular good. The interested buyer who offers the highest bid for it takes the good.

Motorcycle auction modality

In person: These are auctions with the participation of bids only in person with the auctioneer carrying out the trading session.

In person and online: These are both face-to-face (from the public in the auditorium) and online (from the public connected to the website) auctions, with the auctioneer carrying out the auction.


Online: These are online-only auctions that take place automatically with a timer to finalize the sale of lots, with or without video transmission with the participation of the auctioneer.

Whoever bids the highest wins the bike!

Documentation needed to buy your auction bike

Physical person: RG or CNH; CPF; Proof of residence with zip code.


Legal person: Copy of the Social Contract; CNPJ; Proof of residence; Legal Representative or Attorney Documents.

forwarder expense

The dispatcher expense refers to the costs of sending documentation to the local provider, and refers to the fees for transferring the motorcycle.

Transfer fees must be paid by the buyer at the time of transfer, as well as additional expenses according to the specific regulation of each auction.

Starting bid and minimum bid

Starting bid is the value for starting the auction and starting the purchase dispute for the motorcycle. The value that is informed as the initial bid does not mean that it is the minimum bid for the auction. Minimum bid is the lowest bid amount accepted by the seller for selling their motorcycles.

Motorbikes bought at an Auction can circulate on the streets?

It must be said that Auction motorcycles have classifications, and some of them are prohibited from circulating on the streets.


Motorcycles that have the classification preserved can circulate quietly, through regularization.

Motorcycles that have the scrap classification are prohibited from circulating on the streets. Normally, these are sold by mechanics who want to use the parts. If this is not your case, buy motorcycles with a preserved classification.


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