Unum, The Best Way to Get Your Credit Card!

Published by m2noticias on


A Unum is here to help you and wants to give you very important information. Attention you who are in default and want to decide to acquire a credit card, once and for all, even with your complicated financial situation!

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Surely, you know the credit options available in the market and that are not very favorable for those who find themselves in this type of situation, right?


This can happen to anyone, anywhere, especially if we take into account the current economic scenario of the country we live in, in times of crisis and pandemic, generated by the new coronavirus (Covid-19).

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With UNUM you will find the best credit options and manage to acquire your credit card compared to the best companies in the market even if it is negative.


Did you know that some institutions, to move the country's economy and generate more working capital, are offering products without bureaucracy and greater agility in acquisition. In this way, these institutions are not demanding the famous consultations with protection bodies, such as Serasa, SPC, and Boa Vista.

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Were you interested in what I told you? Do you intend to turn the year around with your debts cleared and start a great 2021 with a lot of control and balance in your financial accounts?


You're in the right place! Next, we will indicate five credit cards, which do not carry out any type of consultation with the SPC / Serasa and, on top of that, do not have an annuity! Otherwise, you can start planning better, paying your debts and starting the next year with the bills in blue! Stay inside.

1. Neon Card

Among all the advantages offered by the Neon credit card, there is a complete digital account that is very easy to use, in addition to the credit card being completely free. In addition, the service offered is without annuity, with you paying only what you spend, with the automatic debit function in your invoice, the management of purchases through an online application and a virtual card to improve your service. Request yours now!

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2. Trigg Card

One of the biggest advantages offered by the Trigg credit card is that by making the 100% digital request via the application, the bank's services can be managed completely by cell phone, easily fitting in the palm of your hand!

In addition to the ease and agility of approval, the card offers a cashback function, that is, a return of up to 1.3% in the reimbursement of the amounts used, a card for purchases in physical stores, purchases through approximation, without the need to enter the password and a remuneration, that is, you earn for each invited friend who starts using the card. You can order the product through the Trigg website or app.


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3. Next Bank Card

A lot of people don't know but it's an initiative by Banco Bradesco for the digital and online market, the credit card works under the payroll modality, aimed at retirees, INSS pensioners, and also for private initiative workers who receive their salary in the 100% digital Next account.

With no need to consult the SPC and Serasa, the payment of the invoice is made directly on the client's benefit or salary sheet. With the current account and the debit/credit card, customers are benefited and do not pay an annual fee, can make purchases in Brazil and abroad, in addition to being able to make unlimited transfers at any time in the TED or DOC modalities. Request yours now!

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4. Simple Box Card

Also Under the payroll loan modality, the Caixa Simples credit card is totally free of annuity and interest rates are three times lower compared to other banks. It is worth noting and identifying that this card is intended exclusively to the public of INSS retirees and pensioners, up to a maximum of 75 years of age.

With the credit card, it is possible to convert 95% of the available credit limit into cash, in addition to being able to pay for purchases in installments and participate in existing programs, such as Clube Elo Mania and Check-up Lar.

To order your product, just go to any branch of Caixa Econômica Federal, located throughout the country. The online request is currently suspended, due to the number of requests for other state bank services. Will return soon.

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5. PagBank card

With no annual fee and totally free, the Pagbank Credit Card allows purchases to be paid in installments, in addition to using the existing balance in the PagBank account to pay the invoice.

The service also allows for online and face-to-face purchases in Brazil and abroad, ATM withdrawals, widely used contactless payments and much more. Request yours now!


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