Vehicle Financing with Bradesco

Published by m2noticias on


We separate for you one of the most approved vehicle financing on the market. You can finance cars brand new or with up to 12 years of use, domestic or imported.

Installments from R$ 20.00 and you can pay up to 60 months with automatic debit from your IOF current account financed and added to the amount of the installments.


  • To hire CDC Veículos, you need to present at your branch the original copies or notarized copies of the following documents: RG CPF Proof of residence and income

How to finance a vehicle through Banco Bradesco?

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To finance a new or used vehicle at Bradesco bank, you need to contact the agency, or an accredited store or you can even do a simulation on the bank's website. You will provide your personal data and some information about the vehicle to be purchased and, after analysis, the bank will issue the financing conditions.

What is needed to finance used vehicles with Bradesco?

Bradesco allows full financing of your vehicles, that is, up to 100% of the used vehicle value, which can be vehicles up to 12 years old or high-capacity motorcycles with up to 6 years of use. The first installment, if the customer is interested, can be paid in up to 60 days and the installment can be made in up to 60 months, that is, 5 years.

To finance vehicles, you must present personal documents: CNH, RG, CPF and proof of residence. With the financing approved, you choose whether you want to pay with a debit from your current account or a payment slip.


What is the limit year for financing a vehicle?

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Bradesco Financiamento allows the financing of passenger cars for up to 12 years after the year of manufacture and high-capacity motorcycles for up to 6 years. Vehicles can be financed for up to 5 years (60 months).

How does financing a private vehicle work?

To finance a private vehicle, purchased from another individual, the process is basically the same as buying from a store. The difference is that the interested party himself will have to go after the financing, contacting the bank directly through the branch, through the website or by telephone to request the release of the credit.

How to consult a Bradesco financing?


To consult a Bradesco financing, you must contact the bank through the branch, through the website or even by telephone. It is possible to do an online simulation, providing your personal data and information about the vehicle to be purchased. The financing simulator is available on the bank's website.

What is the interest rate for financing Bradesco used vehicles?

The interest rate for financing used cars at Bradesco varies from 27.57% per year to 42.08% per year, according to the profile of the interested party, in this case the borrower

How can I get 2 via a Bradesco Financing slip?

You can request a duplicate of your financing slip on the Bradesco Financiamentos website.


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