7 steps to know if an auctioneer is reliable

Published by Carolina on


Buying a pickup truck or any vehicle at auction is indeed a great deal, but it can also be dangerous.

If you don't know anything about auctions, you might end up falling into frauds and scams, so it is better to be well informed before investing so much money in something.

If you want to know how to buy a pickup truck at auction safely and without damage, stay with us and we'll tell you everything. Check out.


How to safely buy a pickup truck at auction?

See too:

First, know that if you search the internet for “car auction”, “truck auction“, or any similar search, will find a huge variety of auction houses. But that's where you should pay attention. Don't pick any one that appears.

As the demand for auctions by ordinary consumers grew, the supply also increased greatly, and criminals also started in this business.

Know that, to know if an auctioneer is reliable, there are some steps to follow. Check out these steps below:


Step 1 – Check the address

The first tip when you come across a internet auctioneer, is to confirm that your address is real, both the website URL and the physical address provided on the page.

Step 2 – Spelling and Spelling

Wrongly spelled words logo different, among other errors of the type. Some scammers open pages claiming to be branches of major auction houses, but the logo is different or something. Confirm with the larger auction house if they have these smaller and regional ones.

Step 3 – Check the Secure Auction seal

ALEIBRAS (Association of the Official Auctioneer of Brazil), created a seal of guarantee where all the auctioneers under this seal are accredited and true.


Look for the Secure Auction seal on the site and also check on the ALEIBRAS if the auctioneer is in fact legally registered.

Step 4 – Check reputation

It is also important to look for complaints on social networks and on Complain here, if the auctioneer has many complaints and complaints of fraud.

Check that all information on the site is consistent, as, in the case of fraud, there may be differences in information, such as telephone numbers and different addresses in different areas of the site.

Check the photo and address on the map, the name of the company and its logo.

Step 5 – Payment details

Know that if the auctioneer you found asks for payment information even before the auction takes place, it is a fraud. Serious auction houses do not have this procedure.


Also pay attention to direct sales, this does not exist in auction houses, they are made precisely for customers to compete for vehicles at the auction.

Check the invoices, if they match the name of the auctioneer, if the name is different, be suspicious. Another issue is that, in general, auction houses do not send slips and do not request payments through social media such as Whatsapp.

Goods are never traded outside of the auction environment.

Step 6 – Read the notice completely and carefully

The edict is one of the requirements for the auction to be true. But just because you have an edict doesn't automatically mean it's true.

Read the announcement carefully, see its coherence, if it describes all the legal part of the auction house and the auctions, if it gives all the details of the lots to be auctioned.

Compare the public notice data with the auction that is taking place, if it is concise.

Step 7 – Clear your doubts

If there are still doubts, you can and should contact the auctioneer by service channels provided on the website.

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